Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stage 1 Extraction & Graft complete

So Chris's tooth extraction and bone graft went well. He went to what he thought was going to be a consultation and came away missing a tooth, with cadaver bone sprinkles in place, and a post implanted in his jaw. He then went to work. The nurse called to check on him and I said he was fine and at work. She didn't say anything so I said, "he said he doesn't have any pain". To which she replied, "of course not he is still numb". I called Chris later to see how he was doing and he was fine and had been fine ever since. He just takes tylenol and advil to take care of the discomfort. Leave it to Chris to be impervious to pain. I guess I should be very thankful rather then astonished. They said in 4 months his jaw should be all healed up and ready for the fake tooth.


Annie said...

The night he had his wisdom teeth out he ate pizza!

Meesa said...

He is a freak of nature, not a reflection of his genes. I am sure it was a random mutation!!!