Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged by iwi

Little Bit on Me
3 Joys:
1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. Reading

3 Fears
1. Children seriously ill or dying
2. Chris seriously ill or dying
3. Spiders/Snakes

3 Goals
1. Keep house cleaner
2. Spend better quality time with kids and Chris
3. Take better care of myself

3 Current Obsession:
1. Diet Coke
2. Blogging
3. Changing diapers

3 Suprising Facts
1. I think it's okay for Bella to love Edward and Jacob, I know I sure do!
2. I made a boys nose bleed in 6th grade by hitting him in the face with a hula hoop
3. I would prefer not to wear clothes, nudest colony here I come


Annette Lyon said...

#3 on surprising facts cracked me up.

(Finally found YOUR blog!)

Congrats on Mya beings officially YOURS. YES!

Emily said...

Only a few more weeks before we find out more about Jacob, Edward, and Bella!!! I'm so happy that Mya is officially forever part of the family! She is beautiful!

devron said...

Hey sweetie! I am sorry I missed the amazing day. We decided to leave for St. George early. Thank you so much for inviting me and including me. I love having you guys as family.

Julie J. said...

So you didn't put the Memory tag post up, but I'm leaving you a memory anyway. Remember when you surpised me and brought me balloons and lip gloss on my birthday, and I turned into a highpitched, blubering, crying mess, and then you ran back to your car? That was amazing. You made my day that day and many days since.