Monday, September 1, 2008

Rotten Egg

Today our family went to the mall to do some shopping. On the way back to the car Thomas announced, "First one there is a rotten egg". He procedded to run to the car giggling all the way. He ran full force into the car in his effort to win. I am assuming he learned this phrase at school, maybe he just didn't quite get it. As I recall the saying goes, last one there is a rotten egg, and maybe not the prize Thomas thinks it is. Maybe I should leave an egg out so Thomas knows what a rotten egg is, or maybe, just maybe I should let him go on for awhile being the "winner".


Julie J. said...

That is so stinkin'funny! He's so cute. My dad used to say that to us.

Emily said...

What if I put an egg in the mail and send it to you? Maybe it would be rotten by the time you got it? What a funny story! I miss you guys!

Will and Chelsea said...

That is so funny! I think he should still be the winner for a while, then casually leave out a rotten egg and see if he catches on...

Marcie said...

just don't leave any rotten eggs taped to your car or the stench will not allow you to get home! LOL! That kid is so funny! I love 4 year olds!

Ines said...

This sounds like something I would say - I always get my "sayings" mixed up. English is a confusing language! My family still teases me for saying that I would like to ride in an "unvertible". I said this a few months after I had moved to this country. (well, in my defense, you kind of "undo" the roof, don't ya?